Common Summer Accidents

How Summer Accidents Occur
The summer season is one in which many people enjoy participating in outdoor recreational activities. Whether going for a boat ride or a walk through town, an accident can happen in the blink of an eye, causing victims to sustain a severe injury. Knowing how summertime accidents occur can help you be proactive in your safety and the safety of your loved ones. Here’s what you need to know.
Boating Accidents
Boating is a favorite and fun summer pastime. When out on the water, boating safety is imperative to prevent an accident. However, most boating accidents occur because of another boat operator’s negligence. Besides two boats colliding with passengers aboard, victims of boating accidents can be swimmers or jet skiers too. Boating accidents can happen due to the following reasons:
- Boat operator is distracted.
- Boat operator is underage or not licensed.
- Boat operator is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
While a boating accident is unpredictable, there are some ways to reduce the risk of an accident and avoid serious injuries:
- Keep your boat on a maintenance schedule to ensure proper function.
- Do not go over boat weight limits.
- Ensure anyone operating the boat is of age and has a boating license.
- Avoid speeding.
- Review boat safety rules and procedures with all passengers.
- Ensure the boat is equipped with life jackets, first aid kits, and other safety equipment on board.
Swimming Accidents
Relaxing at the pool or lake is always a fun way to spend the day. However, swimming accidents are a common occurrence during the summer season. Unfortunately, many swimming accidents result in drowning. Keep yourself and your family protected by knowing the following common factors that can increase the risk of drowning:
- Lack of swimming ability.
- Lack of barriers, such as pool fencing.
- Lack of supervision (no adults present or no lifeguards on duty).
- Failure to wear life preservers or other swim safety equipment.
- Swimming under the influence of alcohol.
You can prevent a swimming accident by:
- Taking swimming lessons to learn how to swim or improve swimming skills.
- Keeping safety equipment readily accessible.
- Avoiding drinking alcohol.
- Swimming with a buddy at all times.
In addition, knowing how to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) can help save a life. Giving someone CPR while waiting for paramedics can be critical to their survival. Taking a certified CPR course can help you protect your family and friends.
Bicycle Accidents
Whether for leisure or a workout, riding a bicycle is one of the top summer activities that people enjoy. Unless on a bike trail, bicyclists must often share the road with cars, trucks, and buses — and this can increase the chances of being involved in a bicycle accident resulting in a critical injury. Bicycle accidents can happen when motorists:
- Fail to yield to bicyclists.
- Drive recklessly or speed.
- Drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Lose control of their vehicle.
- Cut into bike lanes.
- Engage in unsafe passing maneuvers.
- Drive while distracted.
A bicycle accident can also happen if any vehicle occupant opens their door as a bicyclist passes by.
Bicyclists can reduce the risk of serious injury by:
- Wearing a helmet at all times.
- Wearing reflective gear and light-colored clothing.
- Ensuring the bike has reflectors.
- Riding in the same direction as traffic.
- Obeying street signs and signals.
- Always assuming that a driver cannot see you.
- Looking ahead for hazards to avoid.
Pedestrian Accidents
Whether strolling through town or walking for exercise, pedestrian accidents can cause severe injuries or worse, a fatality. Pedestrians are at risk of being involved in an accident if motorists:
- Have limited visibility due to inclement weather conditions.
- Fail to use headlights while driving at night.
- Drive under influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Drive while distracted (texting, talking on the phone, eating, adjusting the radio, etc.).
Pedestrians have the right-of-way. Vehicles who are approaching a pedestrian must stop to let them safely pass.
Pedestrians can avoid a severe injury with these safety tips:
- Obey road rules, traffic signals and traffic signs.
- Walk on sidewalks whenever available.
- Walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible if sidewalks are not available.
- Put away smartphones or other devices that can distract you.
- When approaching a crosswalk, look for cars coming in every direction, even when the crosswalk sign says it’s okay to go.
- Wear bright-colored or reflective clothing.
- Always assume motorists are unable to see you.
Motorcycle Accidents
Because of a motorcycles smaller size and lack of protection from an encasing, airbags, and seatbelts, motorcycle riders are at a higher risk of being involved in an accident. The following are common ways that motorcycle accidents happen:
- Motorists change lanes suddenly.
- Motorists or passengers open doors of their parked vehicle in the path of an oncoming rider.
- Motorists speeding.
- Motorists driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Motorists stopping short.
- The motorist is inexperienced.
Riders can reduce their risk of a motorcycle accident by:
- Riding defensively.
- Refraining from drinking and driving.
- Wearing a helmet at all times.
- Taking a professional motorcycle riding course.
Car Accidents
Whether a small “fender bender” or a fatal crash, the following driver errors can cause a car accident resulting in severe injuries:
- Distracted driving (texting, talking on the phone, playing with the radio, eating food).
- Driving while fatigued.
- Reckless driving (speeding, weaving in and out of traffic).
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Failure to follow traffic laws.
Besides driver error, here are some other reasons why car accidents happen:
- Poor weather conditions.
- Road hazards (malfunctioning traffic accidents, obstructed road signs).
- Defective car parts.
Drivers can reduce their risk of being involved in a car accident with these tips:
- Don’t text or talk on the phone while driving.
- Don’t drink and drive.
- Don’t go over the speed limit.
- Obey traffic signals and signs.
- Take a defensive driving course.
Contact a Springfield Personal Injury Lawyer
Our personal injury attorneys have the experience you need to protect your best interests with a focus on the most successful outcome possible. We go above and beyond and advocate for individuals who have suffered significant harm as a result of negligence.
Contact Strong Law, P.C. today at (417) 887-4300. Let us be your guide through complex legal matters.
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