Why Is It Important to Have Medical Records Following a Crash?

When you suffer an injury in a car accident and it is someone else’s fault, there are various legal matters that must be considered, including the type of evidence needed. Even more important in many instances is getting the necessary medical treatment to recover.
Both can be accomplished when you see a doctor following a car accident.
Getting medical records can prove to be one of the most important things you can do after an accident for a number of reasons. However, the biggest aspect is how it helps in navigating the claims-filing process, as well as the potential for legal action that may be involved.
Getting Medical Records Quickly
Getting medical records as quickly as possible after the accident is very important. Any delay in receiving treatment is something that the defendant and his or her insurance company to claim that you were not in fact injured during the collision.
The insurance company may try to claim that you suffered the injury in a separate incident and that you should not be entitled to compensation. However, your medical record can be used for your benefit if you are able to go soon after the accident occurs.
How Medical Records Can Be Proof
One of the defenses the insurance company may try to use against you is claiming that your injury wasn’t caused by the accident; rather, claiming that it was a pre-existing condition you had prior to the collision. Medical records can dispute this claim.
Your doctor can indicate the exact injury you sustained, give a timetable of when the injury occurred, and explain how it can be associated with your crash. All of these together help to hold the negligent party accountable for their actions.
Above all else, obtaining medical treatment is one of the most crucial steps after a car accident. It helps to protect your rights and gets you on the road to recovery quickly.
At Strong Law, , we work hard to help clients who may not understand their rights. It is the goal of our Springfield car accident attorneys to represent your rights to the best of our ability with a focus on helping you walk away from this unfortunate situation in a favorable position.
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