Preparing for the Ease of Social Distancing Restrictions

Safety Tips For Springfield-Greene County
Mayor Ken Mclure and the Springfield-Greene County Health Department Director have mapped out a road to recovery plan, effective May 23 through June 22nd. Now that restrictions of businesses and community activities are beginning to ease, it’s important to understand how to remain safe. Here are some safety tips as we move into this next phase of reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Practice Good Hygiene
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), COVID-19 is spread from person to person, or through commonly touched surfaces such as doorknobs and countertops. To reduce the risk of contracting the coronavirus, wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds. If you don’t have access to soap and water, use an alcohol-based sanitizer with contents of at least 60% alcohol.
Continue Wearing a Mask in Public
Although some restrictions are lifted, it’s still important to keep in mind that the coronavirus is still a very active virus that can continue to spread. Wearing a mask or face-covering in public can keep yourself and others protected.
Practice Social Distancing
Older adults and those with an underlying condition are at a higher risk of developing COVID-19. If you are considered high risk, it may be best to continue practicing social distancing and stay home whenever possible. However, if you must go out:
- Stay at least 6 feet away from others.
- Do not gather in groups.
- Stay away from crowded places.
- Wear a mask or cloth face covering.
- Wash your hands frequently and properly.
At Strong Law, P.C., we care about the safety and health of our friends and neighbors in the Springfield-Greene Community. By taking the proper safety precautions, you and your family can stay safe and help to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 as restrictions ease.
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