Springfield-Greene County Enacts “Stay at Home” Policy

The 30-Day Order Is Meant to Protect Residents Against the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus
A joint statement between Mayor Ken McClure and Greene County Presiding Commissioner Bob Dixon has laid out a “Stay at Home” order that will be going into effect at the beginning of Thursday, March 26th. This measure, reported by KY3, prohibits non-essential businesses from conducting in-person operations and asks residents to avoid leaving their house for non-essential matters. By taking this step, the county is following the recommendations of health professionals around the world and the example of a number of states, counties, and cities that have declared their own restrictions.
The announcement comes after news of potential community exposures and the state’s biggest increase of positive tests in one day. Though only 25 cases have been confirmed thus far, we have experienced 3 patient deaths (all from a residential care facility). It’s likely others have been exposed to the virus; with its incubation period of 14 days, COVID-19 symptoms often appear so long after the transmission patients can have trouble figuring out where and when they came into contact with a contagious person.
The Stay at Home order is meant to slow such cases of community transition by further enforcing the social distancing measures already in place. We should all continue to follow previous recommendations, such as keeping at least 6 feet away from others and washing our hands for at least 20 seconds, to make the most of this precaution.
What Are “Essential Activities?”
The order issued by the County Commission details what businesses and activities are “essential” and therefore allowed during the order, which will last 30 days pending further developments.
Businesses and Organizations
Essential businesses include, but are not limited to:
- Health care facilities
- Grocers and restaurants serving take-out food
- Public and private transportation
- Banks and other financial services
- Gas stations and auto service providers
- Childcare providers
- Mail and delivery services
- TV, phone, and internet providers
Businesses considered “non-essential” under the order are only allowed to operate if they are fully remote.
Personal Responsibilities
Residents are also being asked to curtail non-essential activities and remain home as much as possible. Anyone employed by an “essential business” can continue to report to work as possible. Other allowable activities are:
- Shopping for necessary items (food, medication, etc.)
- Going to the doctor, urgent care, or ER
- Providing care for a loved one
- Exercising outside
The order does come with a penalty attached: Anyone who violates it could have to pay up to $1,000 in fines and/or spend up to 180 days in jail. Even without this extra deterrent, we urge you to do your part in slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Caring for Yourself and Your Family
Living in such uncertain times isn’t easy for anyone. It’s okay, and natural, to feel sad, stressed, confused, and any number of other emotions. The CDC has released guidelines for reducing stress that include:
- Taking breaks from the news and social media
- Maintaining a well-balanced diet
- Planning time for physical activity in your day
- Connecting with others using technology
You can also find up-to-date and accurate information, including guidance and FAQs, on COVID-19 from the Springfield-Greene County Health site.
Our Promise to Our Community
The team at Strong Law, P.C. has switched to working remotely, but we are still available to you during business hours. We understand your legal questions don’t go on pause just because other parts of your life do. In fact, many people are finding they have more time to commit to legal concerns right now—and we want to make sure they have the help they need.
Whether you are looking for a free consultation with our team or you want to connect with us about an existing case, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We have always believed in open communication with our clients, and especially in such a time of confusion, knowing where you stand can be helpful.
We’ll continue to do all we can to keep you informed as this situation continues to unfold. Our team at Strong Law, P.C. is proud to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19. We are hopeful this Stay at Home order will bring some relief to our overworked doctors and nurses who are doing so much to help.
Tell Us About Your Case
Contact us today at (417) 887-4300 or online to arrange your free case evaluation. Our Experienced Trial Attorneys will walk you through your legal options.